By Enti Bracamonte
Posted: September 5, 2022

Where I´ve been
and what I´ve done

Just to be clear: I am not claiming, in anyway, to be a guru of any sort. I am not trying to sell you anything; I am not trying to convince you of anything; all I want is to candidly share some of the things that have proven useful to me, in the hope that they may be useful to you.

I have created this section only because I know I would be suspicious of anyone who tried to offer me a serving of purest wisdom, all of a sudden, for no apparent reason. I think it’s only fair I talk about my background, in case it’s something that may be of interest to you.

Please understand that, as interpreters and translators, both my wife and I are, ethically, morally, and professionally, bound to confidentiality, and, so, we cannot post about absolutely everything we both have done in our professional careers—”Conveniently”, some might be thinking…

The other thing is that I never really thought of keeping track of everything my wife and I have done in our professional careers, and, so, I have no evidence of absolutely everything my wife and I have done in our professional careers—”Conveniently”, some might be thinking…

Notwithstanding, what proof I CAN provide, I think is solid and should suffice, but, more importantly still, common sense and logic should tell you whether any opinions herein are worthy of your consideration.

I will keep on adding to this section as frequently as my Paleontology skills allow me to unearth the relics of my past.

International Law Enforcement Academy (ILEA)
(September 2008 to November 2022)

Association Agreement between
the European Union and Central America

San Salvador, El Salvador
(April 14-18, 2008)

El Salvador Translation
(January 1998 to September 2008)

Interpretation and translation seminars

Certificates issued online
(May 28, 2020)

American Translators Association
New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
(October 24-27, 2018)

American Translators Association
Washington, D.C., USA
(October 25-28, 2017)

American Translators Association
San Francisco, USA
(November 2-5, 2016)

American Translators Association
Miami, Florida, USA
(November 4-7, 2015)

IOWA Interpreters and Translators Association, Inc.
Des Moines, Iowa, USA
(June 19, 2015)

Cesar Vallejo University
Lima, Peru
(September 27-28, 2014)

That’s me, on the right, during a press conference, interpreting for Daniel S. Sullivan, Assistant Secretary of the Bureau of Economic, Energy and Business Affairs of the United States. He visited El Salvador in an effort to promote the free trade agreement (CAFTA). I was not employed as a full time interpreter at the time, I was freelancing.

This old, torn newspaper page is all I could find about that event. I have never been in the habit of collecting proof of what I’ve done or where I’ve been, but that has changed, lately, since I started this blog. I have been digging around trying to collect things that prove my experience and expertise just so I can prove, to the visitors of this website, that I know what I am talking about and didn’t just spring out of the bush.

That is my wife, smiling as usual. She is pure sunshine to me. We have always made a formidable team, and every single client we have had, in our professional carriers, has always realized that from the start. I cannot recall a single time in which we were not hired together, and ILEA was not the exception: my wife and I worked together, for the ILEA, for 14 years as full time interpreters.

I cannot recall who we were working for, at the time the pictures above were taken, but I can tell you that the pile of dictionaries on my left was not enough. Well, alright, I can remember who we were working for, at the time, I just don’t think I should needlessly disclose that, but we were helping a gigantic, Japanese manufacturer of power generation equipment prepare for a bidding process. We needed all of the engineering and legal dictionaries we could lay our hands on.

The one thing I can say, that remains a constant to this day, is that Marisú and I have always been inseparable, at home or at work